Benefits of Reusable Menstrual Cloth Pads

Good for your body!

Disposable products contain plastics, artificial fragrances, adhesives, and chemical gels. Cloth menstrual pads are free from irritating materials, so you can avoid unnecessary exposure to the synthetic ingredients in disposable pads and tampons. Do you find an odor from using disposable products? That's because when blood is mixed with the chemicals in disposable products it creates a fowl odor making you switch sooner. Cloth pads should never have an odor. If any odor should be a metal scent and that's the iron from your blood.

Another fact is the period positivity that comes with switching to reusable products. The menstrual cycle is a natural – process for women. Why does it seem to be shamed upon? Many of us grow up believing that it’s a messy or an inconvenience. Let's be real for a minute! Women create humans. Should we be embarrassed about that? Many women have experience positive feelings towards our menstrual cycles after getting rid of the disposables and make their periods fun by getting comfy fun prints!

Environmental Friendly!

How many disposable products does an average women use during a lifetime?

Would you believe me 12,000-16,000? That's a lot of waste in the landfill!

How about how that waste won't decompose for at least 500 -800 years! Crazy right!

Cloth menstrual pads last for years, helping you reduce the waste on the earth and saving you money.

Good for your Budget!

Once you have your collection of cloth menstrual pads, you will have menstrual protection for years to come. Reusable pads can last a very long time. many can last 5 -10+ years. Washable cloth pads are and investment and not something you just throw away into a landfill.

Comfortable & Quiet!

Reusable cloth pads are soft and comfortable. Almost feels like your just wearing underwear or a pillow down their. There is many different fabrics to choose from. Who gets a rash from using disposables? I know I have and it isn't fun if you know what I mean.

Have you ever been in a public bathroom changing a pad and you rip the pad off your underwear, and then un-wrap the wrapper. Isn't that noisy! Cloth pads have nothing that sticks to your underwear and there is no crinkling sound. simply just snap around underwear. You will love how quiet and discreet cloth pads are!

Cloth pads are a learning curve but they are simply amazing !